Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules For Life Adapted For Fitness (Rule #1)

There’s a popular book out now by Jordan Peterson called Twelve Rules For Life.

This book is blowing up.

It’s both a national and international #1 best-seller and it’s got almost five thousand 4.5 star reviews on Amazon.

So, naturally I started reading it because I’m a book nerd. And I love anything self-helpish. The more pretentious the better. #TimFerriss

But as I was reading this book by Jordan Peterson — who looks nothing like a workout warrior — I couldn’t help but notice the similarities to fitness.

Every rule was something I learned or perfected through the rigors of physical fitness and constantly challenging my body.

There were even a few rules (i.e. Rule #1) that absolutely REQUIRE exercise.

How cool right?

I made a video to explain (scroll down). In this video you’ll learn:

  • How Jordan Peterson’s Rule #1 relates to and even requires exercise.
  • Why perfect posture isn’t a choice and requires both stretching and strength training.
  • How perfect posture can help you make more money, land a better spouse, live in a better neighborhood, and live a longer life.
  • Why confidence is the key driver to living a successful life and how perfect posture instills both confidence and pride.

Time to put some Action back in your fitness,


P.S. If you’re on the fence about working with me, schedule a time on my calendar and let’s chat. It will be the best 45-min you’ve ever spent on YOU and YOUR goals.

P.P.S. If you’re not yet ready for a call, checkout my 3-part video series called 3 Mistakes Men Make When Trying To Get 6-Pack Abs.

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