Robyn Goldstein

Robyn – 11 month program

Robyn had set a goal to lose 100 pounds in a year and she was determined to accomplish it. Looking towards the bigger picture was a large motivation when she felt plateaued during the journey, and the milestones Robyn would complete along the way let her know she was on the path to success.

Exercise and food

Even though Robyn never used to enjoy working out, she now loves spending free time exercising. Looking at food as fuel rather than just something to get full on has changed her nutrition habits. After changing into new exercise and nutrition routines, Robyn’s body continues to get the next endorphin rush it craves.

“I am proud of my numbers, but even more so of how strong I feel and how much my mindset has changed over this past year.

I have been obese most of my adult life and childhood. The lowest weight I have ever been since junior high was 160 lbs. I avoided most sports growing up and never learned how to work out using weights. As an adult I tried personal training and bootcamps to lose weight and had some short-term results, but I would never keep up with it and always gained the weight back – and then some! Before starting Jackson’s program I was seriously considering weight loss surgery, I even had my consultation booked.

I’ve officially turned into one of those ‘workout’ people I used to roll my eyes and poke fun at. The type of person that genuinely enjoys working out and even works out on off days because it just feels good. Yep, I have officially become one of those people and I love it!

Jackson’s program has revolutionized my relationship with food. I am so much more aware of what I am eating, nutrition, portion control, and how food affects the way I feel. 

My diet isn’t perfect and some days are harder than others. The difference is now I have the knowledge and tools to be more consistent, forgive myself when I make a mistake, and then get right back on track.

I am beyond grateful for Tonal and Jackson. Together they have dramatically changed and improved my life in so many ways.”

Total Pounds Lost
0 %
Body Fat Lost
Pounds BMI lost
0 %
Strength Score Increase
  • Her Weight is lower than it was in junior high
  • Stronger than 99% of women and 72% of total members on Tonal

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