Scientific Study Reveals “BEST” Ab Exercise

Jump on your Facebook, Insta, or YouTube and you’ll be overwhelmed with outrageous claims…

Fitness “experts” showing you their favorite and “best” ab exercises for shredding your core. Most are outrageously advanced simply for show like Hanging Leg Raises or upside down crunches.

These exercises are far beyond the skill and strength level of anyone that doesn’t already have a 6-pack so I’m here to save the day and show you an exercise (even a beginner can do) that is the #1 scientifically proven most effective ab exercise.

Today, I’m going to share the results of a study done in San Diego by American Council on Exercise (ACE) that proved which exercise is the absolute #1 most effective ab exercise based on muscle activation. And you’ll be surprised which one it is.

The study, led by Peter Francis, Ph.D., at the Biomechanics Lab at San Diego State University, compared 13 of the most common abdominal exercises, some involving equipment, and ranked them from most to least effective.

Subjects in the study included 30 healthy women and men ages 20-45.

Each of the 13 exercises were ranked for muscle stimulation in the rectus abdominis (long, flat muscle extending the length of the front of the abdomen) and the obliques (long, flat muscles extending along the sides of the abdomen at an angle).

The winner was… (drumroll please)

The simple and basic Bicycle Crunch proving that simple is often better as long as execution is flawless. And to help you with that flawless execution, checkout my video instruction below:

To your 6-pack success,


P.S. If you want to chat with a Men’s Health fitness model and award-winning fitness coach to setup a step-by-step game plan to get you shredded by summer schedule your Fitness Strategy Session today.

==> Schedule Your Fitness Strategy Session Today

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